Monday 30 May 2016

Lack of ventilators killing millions annually — D-Box inventor, Dr. Olakulehin

Lack of ventilators killing millions annually — D-Box inventor, Dr. Olakulehin

The inventor of the D-Box, Dr. Dayo Olakulehin, speaks with our correspondence about his medical device and how it can help to prevent paediatric deaths
Tell us about D-Box.
D-Box is the short name for Dayo’s Box. I had the idea for the D-Box while I was at work. I was not actively probing for an invention; this was a case of a dire need and a creative mind intersecting at a moment orchestrated by fate.
It is a portable, battery-powered, easy to use ventilator that offers a more efficient and better alternative for patients who cannot access a conventional ventilator or afford intensive care. My first light-bulb moment was while I was working at the paediatric emergency room and had to manually ventilate a child. I felt very strongly that there had to be a better way. These thoughts were reinforced when I was on call at an adult emergency (ward). I saw the surprising number of patients requiring manual ventilation just because they could not afford to be in an intensive care unit. It was almost a day to day affair, consequently reducing the number of doctors who were actually attending to patients. I felt I could invent a device that would do that and allow doctors attend to other critical needs of patients. This need was seen in Lagos, the centre of excellence. I wondered what the case was for health facilities in rural areas and other developing nations. It was then it dawned on me that my idea really is a global idea that could save millions of lives all over the world.
 How rampant will you say the lack of ventilators is in Nigerian hospitals?
I have asked expert anaesthetists this question and the answer has been consistently unequivocal. While we don’t have exact national data to quote, various studies have well established that we are well below par with number of ventilators in health facilities, number of paediatric ventilators, number of ICU beds and number of critical care physicians and nurses. I think the paediatric age group – our leaders of tomorrow – are the hardest hit. Private medical institutions have tried and are trying to bridge this gap, but this option remains extremely expensive for the average Nigerian family.
 Will you say lives have been lost due to absence of ventilators?
Probably hundreds of thousands to millions of lives are being lost annually, especially in developing nations due to this.
 Who needs the device most?
The D-Box is needed in every health facility. Emergency rooms, operating theatres, recovery rooms, wards and ambulances nationwide should have the D-Box as a matter of urgency. Primary health clinics, general hospitals, private hospitals, teaching hospitals, company clinics and public spaces with emergency kits should all have the D-Box.
 Has the D-Box been approved by the Federal Ministry of Health?
We are in conversation with all necessary bodies both locally and internationally. The D-Box is to be used globally and we are doing due diligence to obtain all required approvals.
 Is the D-Box affordable and when will it be available in Nigeria?
At the product launch in January, the D-Box was introduced at $300 for individuals and institutions to pre-order. We took this risk and almost ran at a loss just to sample expert feedback and market response. To fully get the D-Box to remote areas and all the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, Africa and other developing nations, efficient marketing and distributorship alliances have to be made. I can say I expect the D-Box to sell for up to $1000. At this cost, it still remains an extremely affordable option for our health facilities. We are hoping to get it available within the next six months.
 Any plan to have the D-Box produced in Nigeria?
This is my desire, to manufacture the D-Box in Nigeria and export to the world. We have this as one of our goals within the next three to five years. We also will manufacture other innovative devices here and want Nigeria to be known as Africa’s medical manufacturing hub.
If ventilators are so scarce in Nigerian hospitals why haven’t the doctors gone on strike if they can do so for pay raise?
Doctors have a sacred obligation to patients. I cannot begin to outline the sacrifices my colleagues and other health workers make to ensure proper patient care. From improvisations to actually contributing money for patients, I have to say we have tried to do our bit in putting patients’ well-being over individual comfort. But every elastic object has its breaking point; it is this breaking point that we must avoid getting to as a nation. I do not believe industrial action is the best way to get results. The problems we have in healthcare, as with other sectors are to be solved strategically and gradually. The rot that got us here was gradual and strategic also. We must take solace in the reality that we have a well-meaning administration and better trained health leaders and administrators. I believe with strategic planning, visionary leadership and diligent executions of plans and policies, healthcare in Nigeria can be one of the best (in the world).
 What strikes you most among the health care challenges in the country?
I must say the answer here is a complex multi-factorial one. First, there are systemic challenges. Health care practitioners feel undervalued, underpaid, and that will always psychologically affect the delivery of their duties except for a rare few. Then, there’s logistics and infrastructure that is common across all sectors: electricity and the need to run on generators or otherwise, leave patients in the dark and in the heat; lack of water, and road access to the hospitals. And also, lack of modern-day equipment that help with apt and precise patient care are luxuries found only in a few private health care institutions. Then there are patient challenges with health habits and gross misinformation. Most Nigerian patients arrive late at hospitals after a lot of havoc has been done elsewhere. We must also not forget health care financing for our growing population; we need to do better.
 For how long have you practised medicine in Nigeria?
I have worked for about three years in Nigeria; from one of the most foremost teaching hospitals in Nigeria, to a primary health care centre, to family practice and also one of Nigeria’s most internationally recognised private hospitals. I think in such a short time, I’ve had a decent experience with the Nigeria health system.
 What other innovative medical devices are you working on now?
I can confidently say that we are almost ready with the next innovation, but we are not in a hurry. Our desire is to see the D-Box on every emergency tray in the world.

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